Thursday, May 13, 2010

8-4-1 Expedition

A Redhook Limited Release...
As I was about to leave my apartment to trek down to studio about a week ago, I decided to bring a beer or two along with me to drink while I sat at the computer and worked on my final project. One of my most recent purchases was the 8-4-1 Expedition Limited Release from Redhook Brewery (Portsmouth, NH). While at Hop City I was intrigued by the frosted brown bottle and the manly, refined label so I figured I'd pick one up. It cost me about 6 or 7 dollars, so I was crossing my fingers for something decent, but I also knew I could be taking a chance - especially because I've never been overly impressed with Redhook's offerings.  

It poured an deep amber color without any very prominent aromas, both things that I found suspect for something touted as an Imperial Brown.

The taste was, thankfully, much more satisfying than my original judgment. It was suuuuuper smooth and pleasantly malty with a little tiny hoppy zip right in the middle. There was also an undertone of a taste that seemed to be a sweet-ish woody flavor (likely the Cherry that is mentioned on the label). The finish is not strong by any means, but solid nonetheless; its a slightly sticky and roasty taste that sits in the mouth indefinitely, letting you keep swallowing the flavors over and over again.

All of these prior paragraphs were written within 5 minutes of opening the beer. The Expedition is a 9.5% ABV and that was originally quite well hidden (dangerously, sneak-up-behind-you-and-intoxicate-you-more-than-you-planned so). However, as the beer warmed up sitting by my computer (granted, I'll admit that I probably let it warm more than I should have), the alcohol became more and more apparent with an almost medicinal quality that was not all that great.

All in all a decent offering from Redhook... just don't let it get too warm. It could probably benefit from some aging as well, but I rarely have the patience to age anything more than a month.



Redhook Ale Brewery, 8-4-1 Expedition
Portsmouth, NH

ABV 9.5%

According to Redhook: Imperial Brown Ale
According to BeerAdvocate: American Strong Ale

Appearance: Pours with a creamy looking 2 finger head. Good rising bubbles. Rich amber color

Aromatics: Faintly sweet, mellow roasty scents... nothing sticks out in particular though, not all too aromatic

Taste: Smooth and malty with a brief note of hoppiness - possibly some of the cherry-wood flavor(?). The finish is not strong, though its got a solid roasted flavor with a tiny hint of honey... and it sticks around for a while. At 9.5 ABV it generally hides it very well. This is a beer that could (and sorta did) easily sneak up because it is quite drinkable. Starts smooth and enjoyable, though, as it warms the alcohol becomes more apparent at the finish - and not appetizingly so.

Notes: Not a bad beer despite some odd flavor combos, but not loud enough for an IMPERIAL brown ale (other than the ABV).


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